
Cinco De Mayo And The Agave Summer
Cinco De Mayo is observed on May 5th, the clue is in the name! Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Thursday, May 5 in 2022, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day. And no, it’s not the same as Mexican Independence Day, which falls on September 16th. If you want to find out about that one, you can find out more here! We hope you had...
Cinco De Mayo And The Agave Summer

Happy Kahlua Day!
Happy Kahlua Day! Kahlua is a coffee liqueur. Now owned by Pernod Ricard, the drink was original produced by Pedro Domecq in 1936. It's name meant 'the house of the Acolhua people'. The Acolhua are a Mesoamerican people who arrived in valley of Mexico around 1200ce. They were a sister culture of the Aztecs, Tepanec, Chalca, Xochimilca and others. Although it started out at 26%, over the years the abv has been reduced in a few times and now it sits around a more modest 16%, a move Pernod Ricard brought in to acknowledge the consumer trend of lower abv drinks....
Happy Kahlua Day!

Happy International Margarita Day!
Woohoo! It's National Margarita Day! Margaritas are a holiday special. Made with tequila, lime and orange liqueur, and often presented with a salty rim, it's the drink of Mexico and evokes hot weather...and a party. Marvellous stuff! How did the day come about? As often when I start such tales, I start them with the cautionary warning that it's difficult to know the exact truth and often these drinks have many a claim. In the Margaritas case, one of the earliest claims came in 1938, when a Danny Herrera made the drink in his restaurant. The drink was made for...
Happy International Margarita Day!

Dashfire Bitters - Interview with Lee Egbert
We love bitters. Way back in Sept 20, I shared an article all about bitters, the history of them, how they're booming in popularity and how they can be used in food as well as drinks. If want to read that you can check it out here. We stock a couple of ranges, Bitter Queens and Dashfire, two fantastic ranges that provide a whole rainbow of flavour for you to play with. About four months ago I had a chat with Lee Egbert, founder of Dashfire and it was a real eye opener. He taught me a lot more about...
Dashfire Bitters - Interview with Lee Egbert

Brandy Alexanders - A Delicious Dessert Drink
Happy National Brandy Alexander Day! Brandy Alexanders are a delicious dessert style cocktail made with equal parts cognac, crème de cacao and cream. Served in a Martini glass or on the rocks it's a dessert drink that really hits the spot. Yum! As with a lot of cocktail recipes, there are several claims to the origin story. Some say it was created to celebrate the marriage of Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles back in 1922. It sounds plausible. An Alexander Woollcott who was a drama critic and member of the Algonquin Round Table (a New York based literary group) believes...
Brandy Alexanders - A Delicious Dessert Drink

2022 Drink-Themed Holidays
Last year we shared a handy post for drinking holidays in 2021 and it had a great response. I mean, why wouldn't it? So with that in mind, we've updated the list for 2022, which sounds silly but some are the '2nd Saturday in a month type dates' so dates do change! A whole rotation around the sun of drink and cocktail holidays for you. Enjoy! January 1 January: National Bloody Mary Day 1 January: Dry January (booze-free challenge month) 3 January: National Drinking Straw Day 11 January: National Hot Toddy Day 17 January: National Hot Buttered Rum Day 24 January: National Beer Can Appreciation Day 25 January: National Irish...
2022 Drink-Themed Holidays

What Makes Us Different?
What Makes Us Different? If we may bend your ear for a moment, we’d love to tell you what makes Your Drink Box different. There are some fantastic online stores out there and it was important not to compete directly, but to create our own little slice of online space to occupy. With the clean, simple lines of our website, we don’t like to be too shouty about what we do. Call us humble…or actually, maybe that’s a bit too much, but we’ve realised recently that we do need to be telling you about some of this stuff. So here...
What Makes Us Different?

5 Unique Gifts For The Cocktail Lover
And here we are! Our fourth and final gift guide to help you get started on the Christmas shopping. Today we're looking at 4 unique gifts for the cocktail lover. Cocktails are just THE best! There are so many in the world and each and every one has countless variations! They are our favourite spirits journey through time, in all their different guises. We love cocktail lovers and believe they deserve great gifts at Christmas, so why not take a browse through this selection and find a that something special for that someone special. Experimental Cocktail Club Book - £12.99...
5 Unique Gifts For The Cocktail Lover

5 Unique Gifts For The Whisky Lover
And here we are on day three and our third gift guide! So far we've looked at secret santa and stocking fillers, and gifts for the gin lover. And, today we are focusing on gifts for the whisky lover. Whisky makes your frisky! Or at least, it certainly makes us happy! We can say that, right? Whisky is one of those drinks with a real cult status, and should you know someone who is partial to a dram, you’ll know that something dram related is one of the best things you can get them for Christmas. So, let’s take a...
5 Unique Gifts For The Whisky Lover

5 Unique Gifts For The Gin Lover
Well hello there, and welcome to the second instalment of our Christmas guides. Today we are looking at 5 unique gifts for gin lovers. Chin chin! Do you have a juniper freak in your life? And are you, perhaps, looking for the perfect gift for them this Christmas? Well, don’t you worry, at YDB, we specialise in unusual, boozy related bits for your loved one. Check out these ginny offerings, everything from decorations, to gummy sweets, to gin itself. Glass Gin Bauble Cute, round, and decorative. It has to be a bauble, right? But this bauble is a little different,...
5 Unique Gifts For The Gin Lover

5 Unique Stock Fillers/Secret Santa Gift Ideas
Hooray! It’s that time of year again! It's December and Christmas is coming! We're pretty keen on Christmas here. So, let's whack on a bit of wham (unless you're playing whammagedon, in which case go for a bit of Buble), and get mulling some wine and throwing tinsel left, right and centre. The tree is up and the fairy lights are twinkling, everything is perfect. But wait, something's missing. Gifts! Gifts can often leave us scratching our heads. We've got a budget to think about, and we like to get something a little bit different. There's a lot of pressure. Well...
5 Unique Stock Fillers/Secret Santa Gift Ideas

Happy Happy Hour Day!
Come one, come all! It’s National Happy Hour Day! Who doesn’t love a happy hour? I know I sure do! Not only do you get bargain drinks, but spotting a happy hour sign can also be the instigator of a cheeky drink, or maybe even a surprise evening! Happy hours are a magical time where anything can happen. But one thing’s for sure, you’ll enjoy a tasty tipple or two. But where does the idea of ‘happy hour’ come from? Let's start from the beginning, shall we? These two words have appeared together for centuries to describe fun and well,...
Happy Happy Hour Day!

International Gin And Tonic Day - The History Of The Humble G&T
It’s International Gin and Tonic Day! All around the world, people will be raising glasses of their favourite juniper spirit in one of the world’s most popular serves. Around the world? Absolutely! Gin has gone crazy over the last few years. And, that love of juniper has spread far and wide! Gin is now being produced all over the place, with wonderful spirits coming out of Africa, South America and Asia, as well as Australia, the US and Europe. Gin already had a global spread due to the years of colonialism, where the British Empire covered almost a third of...
International Gin And Tonic Day - The History Of The Humble G&T

Viva Mexico! - Mexican Independence Day
The Mexican War Of Independence from Spain lasted some 11 years from 16th September 1810 - 27th September 1821. So, why does Mexican Independence Day fall on the 16th September? Well, that was the date that the famed Roman Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla yelled the infamous battle cry “El Grito De Dolores!” or ‘the cry of Dolores’, Dolores being the small town where he lived. Under the banner of Mexico’s patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe, he inspired many people to follow him and begin the fight for independence. Hidalgo’s attempt was unsuccessful. However, he did inspire another priest, José...
Viva Mexico! - Mexican Independence Day

Navy Strength - Black Tot Day
Navy Strength - Black Tot Day

Independence Day 4th July - American Spirits
Independence Day 4th July - American Spirits

World Gin Day!
World Gin Day!

These Modern Collectables Will Make You Appreciate ‘Geek Chic’ Charm
Lapel pins are often considered geek chic collectables. Recent popularity surges boosted pins into the mainstream. But where did the craze begin? Why were enamel pins first created and what significance have they played in cultures? And are they really any different from your grandmother’s brooch? We answer these questions and more!
These Modern Collectables Will Make You Appreciate ‘Geek Chic’ Charm

This is How Exotic Tiki Mugs Became Unforgettable Icons Craved by Collectors
The origin of the tiki mugs we use today is debatable. Beginning as a marketing effort by legendary "Godfather of the Tiki" Donn Beach, tiki mugs quickly became a hot collector's item for avid tiki enthusiasts. Discover the birth of tiki culture and why some have become intoxicated with collecting these iconic mugs!
This is How Exotic Tiki Mugs Became Unforgettable Icons Craved by Collectors

Rum: History and Comparison of Light, Dark, and Spiced Rum
What is Rum and how does it differ from Rhum? Understand how rum is made and the advantages of using pot stills vs. column stills during distillation. We explore rum's history from slavery to sailing, then compare broad rum categories: Light/White, Gold/Dark, and Spiced rum.
Rum: History and Comparison of Light, Dark, and Spiced Rum

Flowers: The Unique Addition of Botanicals to Spirits and Drinks
Flowers: The Unique Addition of Botanicals to Spirits and Drinks

2021 Drink-Themed Holidays
We compiled a handy list of all "drink-themed holidays" happening in a calendar year. Use this reference to craft new cocktails or inspire fun party themes. You can buy many key ingredients right on our site. We hope this list helps you celebrate your favourite drinks and discover some new favourites, too!
2021 Drink-Themed Holidays

Low and No Alcohol ‘Spirits’ - A Suitable Substitute
Low and No Alcohol ‘Spirits’ - A Suitable Substitute